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Detailed Statistics from the 'Get Data Out' programme > Data

In order to fulfil its role as the data custodian for the health and care system, it is NHS England’s responsibility to support healthcare research and improve the information available to clinicians and system leaders. This includes evidence about cancer incidence, diagnosis, treatment and survival. The National Disease Registration Service fulfils this critical function with a range of outputs, including official statistics, open data, reports, and support for public health research on cancer.

As part of this broader mission, the Get Data Out (GDO) programme has produced key cancer statistics for small groups of patients; these outputs are made available to patients, the public and any general user, and anonymisation standards are designed in to these outputs by aggregation at the outset.

Get Data Out (GDO) tables are currently produced for four statistical areas (incidence, treatment, survival and routes to diagnosis) and for the following tumour groups:

All data published so far
Bladder, Urethra, Renal Pelvis and Ureter
Bone cancer
Brain, meningeal and other primary CNS tumours
Eye cancer
Haematological malignancies
Haematological malignancy transformations
Head and neck
Kaposi Sarcoma
Liver and biliary tract
Lung, mesothelioma, and other thoracic
Oesophageal and stomach
Ovary, fallopian tube and primary peritoneal carcinomas
Skin tumours
Soft tissue and peripheral nerve cancer
Testicular tumours including post-pubertal teratomas
We are working to expand the programme across more tumour groups.

Download Get Data Out (GDO) tables

Download Description
GDO_data_wide.csv A collated .csv file of all the latest statistics in wide format (one row for each group of patients, with all statistics for that group as columns)
GDO_data_thin.csv A collated .csv file of all the latest statistics in thin format (one row for each statistic, with each group of patients having many rows of data)
GDO_metadata.csv A .csv file with the metadata for each statistic including full descriptions and units
GDO_releases.csv A .csv file listing the releases that make up the Get Data Out table, including release dates and lists of documentation
GDO_structure.csv A .csv file defining the tree structure of the partition
GDO_units.csv A .csv file with the metadata for each unit
GDO_missing.csv A .csv file containing the look ups for the missing data codes

The Get Data Out tables were last updated on 2024-04-04. A list of all data releases is available at the bottom of the page.

Using the Data

The data can be downloaded from the links above. Alternatively tools and webpages can be pointed directly to the data at our static URLs. Click here for more detail for developers about the data structures and accessing the data.

Click here for a list of known limitations with the data.

The data is signed off as non-disclosive and is released under an Open Government Licence. You are free to copy, publish, distribute and transmit the information, and to adapt it and include it in your own products. The attribution statement that must be included with any reuse of the data is:

This work uses data that has been provided by patients and collected by the NHS as part of their care and support. The data is collated, maintained and quality assured by the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service, which is part of NHS England (NHSE). The data is taken from the Get Data Out tables.

Understanding the Get Data Out groupings

The Get Data Out programme partitions diagnoses of cancer into many small groups, where each group contains approximately 100 people with the same characteristics.

The grouping process can be imagined as a rooted branching tree, where the first node is the group 'all tumours', and each branch point divides by a dimension of interest (e.g. age, region, gender). If a node contains too few tumours then it cannot be divided further without making groups of less than 100, and so the tree terminates there. If the node has enough tumours it branches again by the next dimension of interest. We have visualised the trees for each tumour type, and you can view them on the pages dedicated to each tumour type.

The Get Data Out tumour groupings are explained in more detail in the documents below:

Statistics available in the Get Data Out table

There are currently four statistical releases available in the Get Data Out table.

Incidence. Statistics are provided on the number of new tumours diagnosed in each group and the incidence rate of cancer in this group with upper and lower confidence intervals.

Treatment. Statistics are provided on the number of tumours treated with surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and all combinations of these treatments in each group, the % of tumours treated, and the upper and lower confidence intervals around the percentage.

Survival. Statistics are provided on the number of tumours included in the survival calculation and the net and crude survival rates in each group at 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84 and 96 months after diagnosis, with upper and lower confidence intervals.

Routes to Diagnosis. Statistics are provided on the number of tumours diagnosed by each 'route to diagnosis' and the % of tumours diagnosed by each route with the upper and lower confidence intervals. The eight standard diagnostic routes - two week wait; GP referral; screening; other outpatient; inpatient elective; emergency presentation; death certificate only and unknown - are provided, along with a 'not classified' group. Please visit: to find out more.

Contact Us

If you have feedback or any other queries about the Get Data Out tables, please email us here. It will help us to get your query to the right people if you mention 'Get Data Out' in your email.

Data Releases

All the data in the tables below has been incorporated into the full Get Data Out table found above in the first table. The data is also provided separately for each release of each statistic.
Dataset Date released Release ID Wide csv Metadata Documentation
Survival, 2013-2020, Bladder, Urethra, Renal Pelvis and Ureter, Bone cancer, Brain, meningeal and other primary CNS tumours, Eye cancer, Haematological malignancies, Haematological malignancy transformations, Head and neck, Kaposi Sarcoma, Kidney, Liver and Biliary tract, Lung, mesothelioma, and other thoracic, Oesophageal and stomach, Ovary, fallopian tube and primary peritoneal carcinomas, Pancreas, Prostate, Sarcoma, Skin tumours, Soft tissue and peripheral nerve cancer, Testicular tumours including post-pubertal teratomas 2024-04-04 GDO_0034 GDO_0034_surv_13-20_w.csv GDO_0034_surv_13-20_m.csv GDO_0034_tech_doc_surv.html, Cancer Survival SOP v11_0.pdf
Treatment, 2013-2020, Bladder, Urethra, Renal Pelvis and Ureter, Bone cancer, Brain, meningeal and other primary CNS tumours, Eye cancer, Haematological malignancies, Haematological malignancy transformations, Head and neck, Kaposi Sarcoma, Kidney, Liver and Biliary tract, Lung, mesothelioma, and other thoracic, Oesophageal and stomach, Ovary, fallopian tube and primary peritoneal carcinomas, Pancreas, Prostate, Sarcoma, Skin tumours, Soft tissue and peripheral nerve cancer, Testicular tumours including post-pubertal teratomas 2024-04-04 GDO_0033 GDO_0033_treat_13-20_w.csv GDO_0033_treat_13-20_m.csv GDO_0033_tech_doc_treat.html, CASSOP_4_8_treatments1320.pdf
Incidence, 2013-2020, Bladder, Urethra, Renal Pelvis and Ureter, Bone cancer, Brain, meningeal and other primary CNS tumours, Eye cancer, Haematological malignancies, Haematological malignancy transformations, Head and neck, Kaposi Sarcoma, Kidney, Liver and Biliary tract, Lung, mesothelioma, and other thoracic, Oesophageal and stomach, Ovary, fallopian tube and primary peritoneal carcinomas, Pancreas, Prostate, Sarcoma, Skin tumours, Soft tissue and peripheral nerve cancer, Testicular tumours including post-pubertal teratomas 2024-04-04 GDO_0032 GDO_0032_inc_13-20_w.csv GDO_0032_inc_13-20_m.csv GDO_0032_tech_doc_inc.html, CAS_SOP_Counting_cancer_cases.pdf, NCRAS SOP - Crude incidence rates, age specific rates and ASRs.pdf, CAS_SOP_CountingSkinCancer_2.0.pdf, Deprivation dataset guide v3.pdf, Counting Haematological Cases SOP 2.0.pdf, Haematological Malignancy Descriptions.pdf, GDO_0032_inc_Bladder_13-20_sql.txt, GDO_0032_inc_Bone_13-20_sql.txt, GDO_0032_inc_Brain_13-20_sql.txt, GDO_0032_inc_Eye_13-20_sql.txt, GDO_0032_inc_Haem_13-20_sql.txt, GDO_0032_inc_Haem_trans_13-20_sql.txt, GDO_0032_inc_Head_neck_13-20_sql.txt, GDO_0032_inc_Kaposi_13-20_sql.txt, GDO_0032_inc_Kidney_13-20_sql.txt, GDO_0032_inc_Liver_13-20_sql.txt, GDO_0032_inc_Lung_13-20_sql.txt, GDO_0032_inc_Oesophagus_Stomach_13-20_sql.txt, GDO_0032_inc_Ovary_13-20_sql.txt, GDO_0032_inc_Pancreas_13-20_sql.txt, GDO_0032_inc_Prostate_13-20_sql.txt, GDO_0032_inc_Sarcoma_13-20_sql.txt, GDO_0032_inc_Skin_13-20_sql.txt, GDO_0032_inc_Soft_Tissue_13-20_sql.txt, GDO_0032_inc_Testes_13-20_sql.txt
Routes to Diagnosis, 2013-2018, Bladder, Urethra, Renal Pelvis and Ureter, Bone cancer, Brain, meningeal and other primary CNS tumours, Eye cancer, Head and neck, Kaposi Sarcoma, Kidney, Oesophageal and stomach, Ovary, fallopian tube and primary peritoneal carcinomas, Pancreas, Prostate, Sarcoma, Skin tumours, Soft tissue and peripheral nerve cancer, Testicular tumours including post-pubertal teratomas 2022-04-28 GDO_0026 GDO_0026_RtD_13-18_w.csv GDO_0026_RtD_13-18_m.csv GDO_0026_tech_doc_RtD.html, Routes_to_Diagnosis_2006_2016_technical_document v1.0.pdf, Routes to Diagnosis for cancer - Elliss-Brookes et al.pdf