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Welcome to CancerData

The National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS) collects, quality assures and analyses data on all people living in England who are diagnosed with cancer. It is part of the National Disease Registration Service (NDRS) in NHS Digital (NHSD).

NCRAS receives data from across the NHS to create a population-based cancer registry for England. It provides near real-time, cost-effective and comprehensive data collection and quality assurance over the entire cancer pathway.

All cases of cancer diagnosed and treated in the NHS in England are registered by NCRAS. This creates a clinically rich data resource that is used to measure diagnosis, treatment and outcomes for patients diagnosed with cancer. The data held by NCRAS supports service provision and commissioning in the NHS, clinical audits, and public health and epidemiological research, all of which contribute to improved outcomes for those diagnosed with cancer.

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Detailed Statistics

Statistics on incidence, survival, treatment and routes to diagnosis for small groups of cancer patients produced by the Get Data Out team.

Incidence and Mortality

Numbers of cancer diagnoses and cancer deaths (with crude and age adjusted rates).


Net survival for cancer


Numbers of people living with a cancer diagnosis

Number of Cancers by Diagnosis Trust

Routes to Diagnosis

Proportions of people diagnosed with cancer via different routes.

Emergency Presentations of Cancer

Estimated proportion of all malignant cancers where patients first presented as an emergency.

Stage at Diagnosis

Percentage of cancers diagnosed at an early stage in England each quarter.


Numbers of people treated with chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery.


Radiotherapy activity in hospitals in England.

Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy (SACT)

Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy (SACT) activity in hospitals in England.

Urgent Suspected Cancer Referrals

Referral, conversion and detection rates by cancer site, geography and demographics.

Diagnostic Intervals

Statistics on the length of the Secondary Care Diagnostic Interval (SCDI).

Median Pathway

Analysis by patient demographics, stage at diagnosis, route to diagnosis, and geography.

Quality of Life

Results from the national cancer quality of life survey.

CAS Explorer

Tool showing the completeness of the cancer registration data registered by NCRAS.


More Info

For more cancer statistics from NCRAS please visit our legacy website, and read our ‘Cancer Statistics: availability and location’ guide.

For more information about cancer registration, how data is used and how to opt out, please read:

  • Cancer Registration Patient Information Leaflet
  • The National Disease Registration Service website
  • The National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS) webpage

  • The National Disease Registration Service (NDRS) is part of NHS Digital (NHSD). Its purpose is to collect high-quality, timely data on cancer, rare diseases and congenital anomalies to monitor changes in the health of the population. Improving lives with data and technology – NHS Digital support NHS staff at work, help people get the best care, and use the nation's health data to drive research and transform services.

    Data for these publications are based on patient-level information collected by the NHS, as part of the care and support of cancer patients. The data is collated, maintained and quality assured by the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service, which is part of NHS Digital (NHSD).

    We acknowledge the support of Health Data Insight in developing and hosting the interactive graphs and charts.