--Skin tumour cohort select skinid as tumourid , diagnosisyear , case when sex = 1 then 'Male' when sex = 2 then 'Female' end as gender , age , fiveyearageband , site_group_1 as site_group_1_insitu , site_group_1 as site_group_1_invasive , site_group_2 , tumour_type_1 , case when tumour_type_2 = 'MUMPs and STUMPs' then 'Melanocytic tumours of uncertain malignant potential (MUMPs) and spitzoid tumours of uncertain malignant potential (STUMPs)' else tumour_type_2 end as tumour_type_2 , case when tumour_type_3 = 'BCC' then 'Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)' when tumour_type_3 = 'cSCC' then 'Squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC)' else tumour_type_3 end as tumour_type_3 , tumour_type_4 , tumour_type_5 , stage_best , nhs_region , stage_group_1 , case when substr(sourceid,1,1) = 'A' then substr(sourceid,5) else null end as gdo_tumourid from analysisbirgittavanbodegraven.at_tumour_skin -- YEAR FILTER - GDO years where diagnosisyear between 2013 and 2020 ;