--GDO bladder incidence code with --AGE CTE AGE_DATA as ( select * from GDO.age)--STAGE CTE , STAGE_DATA as ( select * from GDO.stage), tumour_cohort_bladder as (select att.tumourid ,case WHEN ((site_icd10r4_o2_3char_from2013 = 'C65') or (site_icd10r4_o2_from2013 = 'D411') or (site_icd10r4_o2_from2013 = 'D091' and site_icdo3rev2011_3char = 'C65')) THEN 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' WHEN ((site_icd10r4_o2_3char_from2013 = 'C66') or (site_icd10r4_o2_from2013 = 'D412') or (site_icd10r4_o2_from2013 = 'D091' and site_icdo3rev2011_3char = 'C66')) THEN 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' WHEN ((site_icd10r4_o2_3char_from2013 = 'C67') or (site_icd10r4_o2_from2013 in ('D090','D414')) or (site_icd10r4_o2_from2013 = 'D091' and site_icdo3rev2011_3char = 'C67')) THEN 'Bladder' WHEN ((site_icd10r4_o2_3char_from2013 = 'C68') or (site_icd10r4_o2_from2013 in ('D413','D417','D419')) or (site_icd10r4_o2_from2013 = 'D091' and site_icdo3rev2011_3char = 'C68') and coalesce(att.behaviour_icdo3rev2011,att.behaviour_icd10_o2) != 1) THEN 'Urethra' -- we exclude behaviour 1 for urethra only, see filters below -- We put TCCs/urothelial of Kidney into Renal Pelvis group (cross-check Kidney sql!) WHEN ((site_icd10r4_o2_3char_from2013 = 'C64' or site_icd10r4_o2_from2013 = 'D410' or (site_icd10r4_o2_from2013 = 'D091' and SITE_ICDO3REV2011_3CHAR = 'C64')) and k_morph.cancer_type like 'Transitional cell carcinoma') THEN 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' ELSE 'Fish!' END as TUMOUR_GROUP , diagnosisyear , age , cancer_type ,site_icd10r4_o2_3char_from2013 ,site_icd10r4_o2_from2013 ,site_icdo3rev2011_3char , coalesce(att.behaviour_icdo3rev2011,att.behaviour_icd10_o2,'X') as behaviour_icdo3rev2011 ---- where behaviour is missing, treat as unknown , nvl(att.morph_icdo3rev2011,'8000') as morph_icdo3rev2011 --- where morphology is missing, treat as 8000 , nvl(ATT.GRADE,'GX') AS GRADE ---- where Grade is missing, treat as unknown ---- this bit tries to summarise T-stage and grade into 'risk level' in the appropriate way ---- DO NOT USE RIGHT NOW! , case when lower(att.T_BEST) = 'a' and att.GRADE = 'G1' then '1 Low' when lower(att.T_BEST) = 'a' and att.GRADE = 'G2' then '2 Intermediate' when lower(att.T_BEST) = 'a' and att.GRADE = 'G3' then '3 High' when lower(att.T_BEST) = 'a' and att.GRADE = 'GX' then 'X Unknown' when substr(att.T_BEST,1,1) = '1' then '3 High' else 'Fish!!' end as risk_level -- T-stage related fields , STAGE.musc_inv, STAGE.invasiveness, STAGE.stage_detail -- n- and m-stage related field (DO NOT USE RIGHT NOW!) --, spread.spread FROM av2019.av_tumour_england att left join av2019.av_tumour_experimental_england attex on att.tumourid=attex.tumourid -- join the kidney morphology table to grab those TCCs of kidney -- left join ANALYSISCHARLOTTEEVERSFIELD.kidney_morph k_morph -- OLD TABLE left join GDO.morph_kidney k_morph on k_morph.morph_icdo3rev2011 = att.morph_icdo3rev2011 and k_morph.behaviour_icdo3rev2011 = att.behaviour_icdo3rev2011 --- join the bladder stages table to get various levels of stage (there is an explanatory version on non-era if needed) --- LEFT JOIN ANALYSISCHARLOTTEEVERSFIELD.BLADDER_STAGES STAGE -- OLD TABLE LEFT JOIN GDO.STAGE_BLADDER STAGE ON --- treat all missing stage as 'x' for simplicity --- treat all STAGE_PI_DETAIL is unstageable ('NA','U') as missing stage CASE WHEN (SUBSTR(LOWER(nvl(attex.STAGE_BEST_2109,'x')),1,1) IN ('?','u','x','6') or attex.STAGE_PI_DETAIL_2109 in ('NA','U')) then 'x' else substr(lower(attex.stage_best_2109),1,1) end = stage.stage_best and substr(upper(att.site_icd10r4_o2_from2013),1,1) = stage.site_icd10_o2_1char --- treat all STAGE_PI_DETAIL is unstageable ('NA','U') as missing stage and case when attex.stage_pi_detail_2109 in ('NA','U') then 'x' else substr(lower(nvl(att.T_BEST,'x')),1,1) end = stage.t_best --- join my 'spread' table (DO NOT USE RIGHT NOW!) --- left join ANALYSISCHARLOTTEEVERSFIELD.spread -- OLD TABLE left join GDO.STAGE_SPREAD_BLADDER on substr(nvl(N_BEST,'X'),1,1) = N_BEST_SUMMARY AND substr(nvl(M_BEST,'X'),1,1) = M_BEST_SUMMARY WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR between 2013 and 2019 --- STANDARD CHECKS LIKE CASSOP # 1 -- Only finals and statusofregistration = 'F' -- Only English and ctry_code = 'E' -- Only known sex, no sex = 9 and sex in ('1','2') -- Not duplicates: and dedup_flag = 1 and age between 0 and 200 and --- site filters -- collated version of the groupings above. ( (site_icd10r4_o2_3char_from2013 in ('C65','C66','C67','C68')) or (site_icd10r4_o2_from2013 in ('D090','D411','D412','D413','D414','D417','D419')) or (site_icd10r4_o2_from2013 = 'D091' and SITE_ICDO3REV2011_3CHAR in ('C65','C66','C67','C68')) or --- adding the TCCs of the Kidney, to go into Renal Pelvis group ((site_icd10r4_o2_3char_from2013 = 'C64' or site_icd10r4_o2_from2013 = 'D410' or (site_icd10r4_o2_from2013 = 'D091' and SITE_ICDO3REV2011_3CHAR = 'C64')) and k_morph.cancer_type like 'Transitional cell carcinoma' ) ) and --- exclude uncertain behaviour for urethral cancers only ( NOT ( ((site_icd10r4_o2_3char_from2013 = 'C68') or (site_icd10r4_o2_from2013 in ('D413','D417','D419')) or (site_icd10r4_o2_from2013 = 'D091' and site_icdo3rev2011_3char = 'C68')) AND behaviour_icd10_o2 = 1 ) ) ) , statisticofinterest_bladder as (select tumourid as tumourid_1, 1 as statisticofinterest_bladder from tumour_cohort_bladder), tumour_cohort_linked_bladder AS ( SELECT * FROM tumour_cohort_bladder tc_bladder LEFT JOIN statisticofinterest_bladder ON statisticofinterest_bladder.tumourid_1 = tc_bladder.tumourid LEFT JOIN AGE_DATA ages ON ages.AGE = tc_bladder.AGE LEFT JOIN GDO.behaviour behaviour ON behaviour.BEHAVIOUR_ICDO3REV2011 = tc_bladder.BEHAVIOUR_ICDO3REV2011 LEFT JOIN GDO.morph_bladder morph ON morph.MORPH_ICDO3REV2011 = tc_bladder.MORPH_ICDO3REV2011 LEFT JOIN GDO.grade grades ON grades.GRADE = tc_bladder.GRADE) , extractpartition_bladder as ( SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 1' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 1' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 2' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 2' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 3' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 3' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade unknown' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'Urethra' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Urethra' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 1' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 1' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 2' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 2' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 3' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 3' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade unknown' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'Urethra' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Urethra' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 1' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 1' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 2' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 2' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 3' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 3' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade unknown' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'Urethra' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Urethra' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 1' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 1' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 2' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 2' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 3' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 3' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade unknown' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'Urethra' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Urethra' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 1' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 1' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 2' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 2' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 3' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 3' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade unknown' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'Urethra' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Urethra' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 1' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 1' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 2' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 2' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 3' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 3' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade unknown' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'Urethra' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Urethra' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 1' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 1' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 2' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 2' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 3' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 3' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade unknown' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'Urethra' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Urethra' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 1' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 1' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 2' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 2' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 3' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 3' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade unknown' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'Urethra' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Urethra' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 1' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 1' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 2' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 2' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 3' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 3' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade unknown' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'Urethra' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Urethra' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 1' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 1' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 2' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 2' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 3' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 3' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade unknown' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'Urethra' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Urethra' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 1' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 1' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 2' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 2' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 3' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 3' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade unknown' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'Urethra' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Urethra' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Other' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Other' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 1' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 1' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 2' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 2' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade 3' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade 3' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'Grade unknown' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' AND GRADE_BLADDER = 'Grade unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'Urothelial' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MORPH_GROUP = 'Urothelial' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Bladder' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Bladder' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'T1' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'T1' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Ta/Tis NOS' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Ta/Tis NOS' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Non-muscle-invasive' AS "Stage", 'Ta/Tis' AS "Stage Detail", 'Tis' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Non-muscle-invasive' AND INVASIVENESS = 'Ta/Tis' AND STAGE_DETAIL = 'Tis' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Malignant and in situ' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Stage unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Malignant and in situ' AND MUSC_INV = 'Stage unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Tumour Type", 'Uncertain or unknown' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AND BEH_GROUP = 'Uncertain or unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'Urethra' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Stage Detail", 'All' AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All' AS "Grade", SUM(statisticofinterest_bladder) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_bladder WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND TUMOUR_GROUP = 'Urethra' ) , --Geography lookup lsoatoregionlookup as ( select distinct lsoa11_code as lsoa11, case when nhs_region_2021_name in ('East of England','Midlands') then 'Midlands and East of England' when nhs_region_2021_name in ('North West', 'North East and Yorkshire') then 'North of England' when nhs_region_2021_name in ('South West','South East') then 'South of England' else nhs_region_2021_name end as region from av2019.at_geography_england where substr(lsoa11_code,1,1) = 'E' ),lsoatoalllookup as( select distinct lsoa11_code as lsoa11, 'All' as region from av2019.at_geography_england where substr(lsoa11_code,1,1) = 'E') , geoglookup as ( select * from lsoatoregionlookup union select * from lsoatoalllookup) --Sex lookup , sexlookup as ( select 1 as basesex, '1' as sex from dual union select 2 as basesex, '2' as sex from dual union select 1 as basesex, 'All' as sex from dual union select 2 as basesex, 'All' as sex from dual) --Year lookup --Select single years ,yearlookup as ( select n as baseyear , to_char(n) as year from (select rownum n from dual --Last year connect by level <=2019 ) --First year where n >=2013 UNION select n as baseyear ,'2013-2015' as year from (select rownum n from dual --Last year connect by level <=2015 ) --First year where n >=2013 UNION select n as baseyear ,'2014-2016' as year from (select rownum n from dual --Last year connect by level <=2016 ) --First year where n >=2014 UNION select n as baseyear ,'2015-2017' as year from (select rownum n from dual --Last year connect by level <=2017 ) --First year where n >=2015 UNION select n as baseyear ,'2016-2018' as year from (select rownum n from dual --Last year connect by level <=2018 ) --First year where n >=2016 UNION select n as baseyear ,'2017-2019' as year from (select rownum n from dual --Last year connect by level <=2019 ) --First year where n >=2017 ) --Age lookup , agelookup as ( select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, 'All' as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, FIVEYEARAGE as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_50_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, TENYEARAGE as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_30_TO_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_50 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_50_TO_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_50_TO_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_70_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_20_50_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_20_50_70_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_30_50_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_30_50_70_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_60_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_60_TO_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_50_70_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_30 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_30_50 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_30_TO_50 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_20_40 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_20_TO_40 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_25 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_25_50 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_40 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_35 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_40_TO_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_5_10_20_30_50_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_20_30_50_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_20_TO_90 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_60_70_75_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_70_75_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_13_25_40_60_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_25_40_60_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_25_40_60 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_25_40_TO_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_5_THEN_10 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_60 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_60_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_40_TO_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_40_TO_90 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_25_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_25_60_TO_80 as age from AGE_DATA) --Populations table , population_table as ( select g.region, s.sex, y.year, a.age, sum(popcount) as popcount from ons2019.populations_normalised pops left outer join geoglookup g on pops.lsoa11 = g.lsoa11 left outer join sexlookup s on pops.sex = s.basesex left outer join yearlookup y on pops.year = y.baseyear left outer join agelookup a on pops.quinaryagegroupint = a.baseage group by g.region, s.sex, y.year, a.age ), bladder as( SELECT 'Bladder, Urethra, Renal Pelvis and Ureter' AS "Cancer Site", "Year" AS "Year", "Tumour Type" AS "Tumour Type", "Tumour Type 2" AS "Tumour Type 2", "Tumour Type 3" AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Not split by Basis of Diagnosis' AS "Basis of Diagnosis", case when "Stage" = 'All' then 'All stages' else "Stage" end AS "Stage", "Stage Detail" AS "Stage Detail", "Stage Detail 2" AS "Stage Detail 2", 'All ages' AS "Age", 'All England' AS "Region", 'Persons' AS "Sex", case when "Grade" = 'All' then 'All grades' else "Grade" end AS "Grade", 'Not split by nodal status' AS "Nodal Status", statistic_of_interest as "Incidence", pops.popcount as "Population" from extractpartition_bladder ep left outer join population_table pops on ep."Year" = pops.year and pops.age = 'All' where pops.region ='All' and pops.sex='All' --End of code for bladder ) select * from bladder