--GDO prostate incidence code with --AGE CTE AGE_DATA as ( select * from GDO.age)--STAGE CTE , STAGE_DATA as ( select * from GDO.stage), tumour_cohort_prostate AS ( SELECT T.TUMOURID , T.DIAGNOSISYEAR , T.AGE , CASE -- If PIs say it isn't stageable, it's got no stage, even if it clearly has a stage in the box WHEN e.STAGE_PI_2109 = 'N' THEN '? Unknown' -- These 7 lines fix the stage 4 T4, N?, M0 case - in pre TNM 8, this is ambigious (can be node negative or node positive) -- And so goes in the 'unknown' group -- In TNM 8, all stage 4s are either M1 or N1, so can go in the node positive group -- Assume not TNM 8 if stage system unknown and diagnosis year before 2018 WHEN (e.STAGE_BEST_SYSTEM_2109 IN ('UICC 5','UICC 6', 'UICC 7','AJCC 7') OR (e.STAGE_BEST_SYSTEM_2109 IS NULL AND T.DIAGNOSISYEAR >= 2013 AND T.DIAGNOSISYEAR <=2017) ) AND SUBSTR(e.STAGE_BEST_2109,1,1) = '4' AND (SUBSTR(T.T_BEST,1,1) = '4' OR T.T_BEST IS NULL) AND SUBSTR(T.M_BEST,1,1) = '0' AND (SUBSTR(T.N_BEST,1,1) = 'X' OR N_BEST IS NULL) THEN '? Unknown' WHEN SUBSTR(e.STAGE_BEST_2109,1,1) IN ('1','2') THEN '1. Localised' WHEN SUBSTR(e.STAGE_BEST_2109,1,1) = '3' THEN '2. Locally Advanced' WHEN SUBSTR(e.STAGE_BEST_2109,1,1) = '4' AND SUBSTR(M_BEST,1,1) = '0' THEN '2. Locally Advanced' WHEN SUBSTR(e.STAGE_BEST_2109,1,1) = '4' AND SUBSTR(M_BEST,1,1) = '1' THEN '3. Metastatic' ELSE '? Unknown' END AS STAGE_PARTITION , CASE -- If PIs say it isn't stageable, it's got no stage, even if it clearly has a stage in the box WHEN e.STAGE_PI_2109 = 'N' THEN '? N/A' -- Same fix as for overall stage partition for the stage 4 T4, N?, M0 pre TNM 8 cases -- They go in overall 'unknown' and so do not get broken down by nodal status -- as they are not in the locally advanced group WHEN (e.STAGE_BEST_SYSTEM_2109 IN ('UICC 5','UICC 6', 'UICC 7','AJCC 7') OR (e.STAGE_BEST_SYSTEM_2109 IS NULL AND T.DIAGNOSISYEAR >= 2013 AND T.DIAGNOSISYEAR <=2017) ) AND SUBSTR(e.STAGE_BEST_2109,1,1) = '4' AND (SUBSTR(T.T_BEST,1,1) = '4' OR T.T_BEST IS NULL) AND SUBSTR(T.M_BEST,1,1) = '0' AND (SUBSTR(T.N_BEST,1,1) = 'X' OR T.N_BEST IS NULL) THEN '? N/A' WHEN SUBSTR(e.STAGE_BEST_2109,1,1) = '3' THEN '1. Node Negative' WHEN SUBSTR(e.STAGE_BEST_2109,1,1) = '4' AND SUBSTR(T.M_BEST,1,1) = '0' THEN '2. Node Positive' ELSE '? N/A' END AS NODE_STATUS , CASE WHEN GLEASON_PRIMARY = 3 AND GLEASON_SECONDARY = 3 THEN '1. Less than 7' WHEN GLEASON_PRIMARY = 3 AND GLEASON_SECONDARY = 4 THEN '2. 3+4' WHEN GLEASON_PRIMARY = 4 AND GLEASON_SECONDARY = 3 THEN '3. 4+3' WHEN GLEASON_PRIMARY = 3 AND GLEASON_SECONDARY = 5 THEN '4. More than 7' WHEN GLEASON_PRIMARY = 4 AND GLEASON_SECONDARY IN (4, 5) THEN '4. More than 7' WHEN GLEASON_PRIMARY = 5 AND GLEASON_SECONDARY IN (3,4, 5) THEN '4. More than 7' ELSE '5. Unknown' END AS GRADES_SPLIT , CASE WHEN GLEASON_PRIMARY = 3 AND GLEASON_SECONDARY = 3 THEN '0. Known' WHEN GLEASON_PRIMARY = 3 AND GLEASON_SECONDARY = 4 THEN '0. Known' WHEN GLEASON_PRIMARY = 4 AND GLEASON_SECONDARY = 3 THEN '0. Known' WHEN GLEASON_PRIMARY = 3 AND GLEASON_SECONDARY = 5 THEN '0. Known' WHEN GLEASON_PRIMARY = 4 AND GLEASON_SECONDARY IN (4, 5) THEN '0. Known' WHEN GLEASON_PRIMARY = 5 AND GLEASON_SECONDARY IN (3,4, 5) THEN '0. Known' ELSE '5. Unknown' END AS GRADES_SPLIT_MET FROM av2019.av_tumour_england T left join av2019.av_tumour_experimental_england e on t.tumourid=e.tumourid WHERE T.DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN '2013' AND '2019' AND T.SITE_ICD10R4_O2_3CHAR_FROM2013 = 'C61' AND T.STATUSOFREGISTRATION = 'F' AND T.CTRY_CODE = 'E' AND T.SEX IN ('1') -- age row is pointless for this cohort AND T.AGE BETWEEN 0 AND 200 AND T.DEDUP_FLAG = 1 ) , statisticofinterest_prostate as (select tumourid as tumourid_1, 1 as statisticofinterest_prostate from tumour_cohort_prostate), tumour_cohort_linked_prostate AS ( SELECT * FROM tumour_cohort_prostate tc_prostate LEFT JOIN statisticofinterest_prostate ON statisticofinterest_prostate.tumourid_1 = tc_prostate.tumourid LEFT JOIN AGE_DATA ON AGE_DATA.AGE = tc_prostate.AGE) , extractpartition_prostate as ( SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 70+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 70+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 70+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 70+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 70+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 70+' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2018' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 70+' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR = '2019' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 70+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2013 AND 2015 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 70+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 70+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 70+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016-2018' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 70+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017-2019' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest_prostate) as statistic_of_interest FROM tumour_cohort_linked_prostate WHERE DIAGNOSISYEAR BETWEEN 2017 AND 2019 AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' ) , --Geography lookup lsoatoregionlookup as ( select distinct lsoa11_code as lsoa11, case when nhs_region_2021_name in ('East of England','Midlands') then 'Midlands and East of England' when nhs_region_2021_name in ('North West', 'North East and Yorkshire') then 'North of England' when nhs_region_2021_name in ('South West','South East') then 'South of England' else nhs_region_2021_name end as region from av2019.at_geography_england where substr(lsoa11_code,1,1) = 'E' ),lsoatoalllookup as( select distinct lsoa11_code as lsoa11, 'All' as region from av2019.at_geography_england where substr(lsoa11_code,1,1) = 'E') , geoglookup as ( select * from lsoatoregionlookup union select * from lsoatoalllookup) --Sex lookup , sexlookup as ( select 1 as basesex, '1' as sex from dual union select 2 as basesex, '2' as sex from dual union select 1 as basesex, 'All' as sex from dual union select 2 as basesex, 'All' as sex from dual) --Year lookup --Select single years ,yearlookup as ( select n as baseyear , to_char(n) as year from (select rownum n from dual --Last year connect by level <=2019 ) --First year where n >=2013 UNION select n as baseyear ,'2013-2015' as year from (select rownum n from dual --Last year connect by level <=2015 ) --First year where n >=2013 UNION select n as baseyear ,'2014-2016' as year from (select rownum n from dual --Last year connect by level <=2016 ) --First year where n >=2014 UNION select n as baseyear ,'2015-2017' as year from (select rownum n from dual --Last year connect by level <=2017 ) --First year where n >=2015 UNION select n as baseyear ,'2016-2018' as year from (select rownum n from dual --Last year connect by level <=2018 ) --First year where n >=2016 UNION select n as baseyear ,'2017-2019' as year from (select rownum n from dual --Last year connect by level <=2019 ) --First year where n >=2017 ) --Age lookup , agelookup as ( select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, 'All' as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, FIVEYEARAGE as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_50_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, TENYEARAGE as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_30_TO_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_50 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_50_TO_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_50_TO_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_70_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_20_50_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_20_50_70_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_30_50_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_30_50_70_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_60_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_60_TO_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_50_70_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_30 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_30_50 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_30_TO_50 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_20_40 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_20_TO_40 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_25 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_25_50 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_40 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_35 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_40_TO_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_5_10_20_30_50_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_20_30_50_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_20_TO_90 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_60_70_75_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_70_75_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_13_25_40_60_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_25_40_60_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_25_40_60 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_25_40_TO_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_5_THEN_10 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_60 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_60_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_40_TO_80 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_40_TO_90 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_25_70 as age from AGE_DATA UNION select distinct floor(AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_25_60_TO_80 as age from AGE_DATA) --Populations table , population_table as ( select g.region, s.sex, y.year, a.age, sum(popcount) as popcount from ons2019.populations_normalised pops left outer join geoglookup g on pops.lsoa11 = g.lsoa11 left outer join sexlookup s on pops.sex = s.basesex left outer join yearlookup y on pops.year = y.baseyear left outer join agelookup a on pops.quinaryagegroupint = a.baseage group by g.region, s.sex, y.year, a.age ), prostate as( SELECT 'Prostate' AS "Cancer Site", "Year" AS "Year", 'All' AS "Tumour Type", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 2", 'All' AS "Tumour Type 3", 'Not split by Basis of Diagnosis' AS "Basis of Diagnosis", case when "Stage" = 'All' then 'All stages' when "Stage" = '? Unknown' then 'Stage unknown' when "Stage" = '1. Localised' then 'Stage localised' when "Stage" = '2. Locally Advanced' then 'Stage locally advanced' when "Stage" = '3. Metastatic' then 'Stage metastatic' end AS "Stage", 'Not split by Stage Detail' AS "Stage Detail", 'Not split by Stage Detail 2' AS "Stage Detail 2", case when "Age" = 'All' then 'All ages' else "Age" end AS "Age", 'All England' AS "Region", 'Male' AS "Sex", case when "Grade_met" = '0. Known' then 'Grade known'when "Grade_met" = '5. Unknown' then 'Grade unknown' when "Grade" = 'All' then 'All grades' when "Grade" = '1. Less than 7' then 'Grade less than 7' when "Grade" = '2. 3+4' then 'Grade 3+4' when "Grade" = '3. 4+3' then 'Grade 4+3' when "Grade" = '4. More than 7' then 'Grade more than 7' when "Grade" = '5. Unknown' then 'Grade unknown' end AS "Grade", case when "Nodal Status" = 'All' then 'Any nodal status' when "Nodal Status" = '1. Node Negative' then 'Node Negative' when "Nodal Status" = '2. Node Positive' then 'Node Positive' end AS "Nodal Status", statistic_of_interest as "Incidence", pops.popcount as "Population" from extractpartition_prostate ep left outer join population_table pops on ep."Year" = pops.year and ep."Age" = pops.age where pops.region ='All' and pops.sex='1' --End of code for prostate ) select * from prostate