-- Tables required for this script are -- -- ANALYSISCHARLIETURNER.NA -- ANALYSISCHARLIETURNER.ages -- Prostate cancer cohort -- on casref01 av2017 to cover 2013-2017 -- [av2017 should be the same as 1902, but want to check this at some point] with tumour_cohort as ( select t.tumourid , t.diagnosisyear as YEAR , t.age , case when substr(t.stage_best,1,1) in ('1','2') then '1. Localised' when substr(t.stage_best,1,1) = '3' then '2. Locally Advanced' when substr(t.stage_best,1,1) = '4' and substr(m_Best,1,1) = '0' then '2. Locally Advanced' when substr(t.stage_best,1,1) = '4' and substr(m_Best,1,1) = '1' then '3. Metastatic' else '? Unknown' end as stage_partition , case when substr(t.stage_best,1,1) = '3' then '1. Node Negative' when substr(t.stage_best,1,1) = '4' and substr(m_Best,1,1) = '0' then '2. Node Positive' else '? N/A' end as node_status , case when gleason_primary = 3 and gleason_secondary = 3 then '1. Less than 7' when gleason_primary = 3 and gleason_secondary = 4 then '2. 3+4' when gleason_primary = 4 and gleason_secondary = 3 then '3. 4+3' when gleason_primary = 3 and gleason_secondary = 5 then '4. More than 7' when gleason_primary = 4 and gleason_secondary in (4, 5) then '4. More than 7' when gleason_primary = 5 and gleason_secondary in (3,4, 5) then '4. More than 7' else '5. Unknown' end as grades_split , case when gleason_primary = 3 and gleason_secondary = 3 then '0. Known' when gleason_primary = 3 and gleason_secondary = 4 then '0. Known' when gleason_primary = 4 and gleason_secondary = 3 then '0. Known' when gleason_primary = 3 and gleason_secondary = 5 then '0. Known' when gleason_primary = 4 and gleason_secondary in (4, 5) then '0. Known' when gleason_primary = 5 and gleason_secondary in (3,4, 5) then '0. Known' else '5. Unknown' end as grades_split_met from av2017.av_tumour_england t where t.diagnosisyear in ('2013','2014','2015','2016','2017') and t.site_icd10_o2_3char = 'C61' and t.statusofregistration = 'F' and t.ctry_code = 'E' and t.sex in ('1') -- age row is pointless for this cohort and t.age between 0 and 200 and t.dedup_flag = 1 ) , statisticofinterest as (select tumourid, 1 as statisticofinterest from tumour_cohort) , tumour_cohort_linked AS ( SELECT * FROM tumour_cohort tc LEFT JOIN statisticofinterest si ON si.tumourid = tc.tumourid LEFT JOIN ANALYSISCHARLIETURNER.ages ON ANALYSISCHARLIETURNER.ages.AGE = tc.AGE) , extractpartitions as ( SELECT 'All' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 70+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 70+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2014' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 70+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2015' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 70+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2016' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 70+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2017' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 70+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2013-2015' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 70+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2014-2016' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", 'All' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '? Unknown' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '? Unknown' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '1. Localised' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '1. Localised' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '1. Less than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '1. Less than 7' AND SPLIT_70 = 'Age 70+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '2. 3+4' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '2. 3+4' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '3. 4+3' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '3. 4+3' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '4. More than 7' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '4. More than 7' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 70-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '1. Node Negative' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '1. Node Negative' AND GRADES_SPLIT = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '2. Locally Advanced' AS "Stage", '2. Node Positive' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '2. Locally Advanced' AND NODE_STATUS = '2. Node Positive' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", 'All' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-59' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-59' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 60-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 60-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '0. Known' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '0. Known' AND SPLIT_60_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'All' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 00-69' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 00-69' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 70-74' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 70-74' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 75-79' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 75-79' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-2017' AS "Year", '3. Metastatic' AS "Stage", 'All' AS "Nodal Status", '5. Unknown' AS "Grade_met", 'All' AS "Grade", 'Age 80+' AS "Age", SUM(statisticofinterest) as Incidence FROM tumour_cohort_linked WHERE YEAR = '2013' AND STAGE_PARTITION = '3. Metastatic' AND GRADES_SPLIT_MET = '5. Unknown' AND SPLIT_70_75_80 = 'Age 80+' ) , lsoatoregionlookup as ( select distinct lsoa11, nhser17nm as Region from nspl_201805 left outer join ANALYSISNCR.CCG18_NHSER17_18_LKP_DATALAKE nr on nspl_201805.ccg = nr.ccgapr18cd where substr(lsoa11,1,1) = 'E' ) , lsoatoalllookup as ( select distinct lsoa11, 'All' as Region from nspl_201805 where substr(lsoa11,1,1) = 'E' ) , geoglookup as (select * from lsoatoregionlookup union select * from lsoatoalllookup) /* reminding myself how dual works: select rownum from dual; select rownum from dual -- LAST YEAR NEEDED connect by level <= 3; */ ,sexlookup as ( select 1 as basesex, '1' as sex from dual union select 2 as basesex, '2' as sex from dual union select 1 as basesex, 'All' as sex from dual union select 2 as basesex, 'All' as sex from dual ) -- year look up -- This is hacky, there must be a better way? -- But it does produce a look up table for 2013-2017 -- and also the three year rolling groups for 2013-2017 ,yearlookup as ( select n as baseyear , to_char(n) as year from ( select rownum n from dual -- LAST YEAR NEEDED connect by level <= 2017 ) -- FIRST YEAR NEEDED where n >= 2013 UNION select n as baseyear , '2013-2015' as year from ( select rownum n from dual -- LAST YEAR NEEDED connect by level <= 2015 ) -- FIRST YEAR NEEDED where n >= 2013 UNION select n as baseyear , '2014-2016' as year from ( select rownum n from dual -- LAST YEAR NEEDED connect by level <= 2016 ) -- FIRST YEAR NEEDED where n >= 2014 UNION select n as baseyear , '2015-2017' as year from ( select rownum n from dual -- LAST YEAR NEEDED connect by level <= 2017 ) -- FIRST YEAR NEEDED where n >= 2015 ) -- Making age lookup. --select * from analysischarlieturner.ages; -- We don't have a systematic 'we definitely used this age partition' -- So we should assume any age partition in the age table could be being used. -- There are currently 30 age partitions. -- This is a bit tedious. -- You can at least get a list of them: /* select COLUMN_NAME from ALL_TAB_COLUMNS where owner = 'ANALYSISCHARLIETURNER' and TABLE_NAME = 'AGES' order by COLUMN_NAME; */ -- If I had grip, I would write some R to automate creating this table -- Instead I did it in Excel , agelookup as ( select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, 'All' as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_20_30_50_70 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_20_40 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_20_50_70 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_20_50_70_80 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_20_TO_40 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_25 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_25_50 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_30 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_30_50 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_30_50_70 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_30_50_70_80 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_30_TO_50 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_30_TO_70 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_35 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_40 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_40_TO_70 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_50 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_50_70 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_50_70_80 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_50_TO_70 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_50_TO_80 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_5_10_20_30_50_70 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_60_70 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_60_70_75_80 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_60_TO_80 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_70 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_70_75_80 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_70_80 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, SPLIT_80 as age from analysischarlieturner.ages UNION select distinct floor(AGES.AGE/5)+1 as baseage, TENYEARAGE as age from analysischarlieturner.ages) -- So, I have a region lookup, a sex lookup, a year lookup, and an age lookup. -- And some populations! Yay. Now just join them all together. -- We have no joins for the Welsh LSOAs and for the years before 2013. -- But that is what we wanted -- All ages and sexs have joined to something. , population_table as ( select g.region, s.sex, y.year, a.age, sum(popcount) as popcount from ons2017.populations_normalised POPS left outer join geoglookup g on pops.lsoa11 = g.lsoa11 left outer join sexlookup s on pops.sex = s.basesex left outer join yearlookup y on pops.year = y.baseyear left outer join agelookup a on pops.quinaryagegroupint = a.baseage group by g.region, s.sex, y.year, a.age ) select 'Prostate' as "Cancer Site" ,"Year" as "Year" ,'All' as "Tumour Type" , case when "Stage" = 'All' then 'All stages' when "Stage" = '? Unknown' then 'Stage unknown' when "Stage" = '1. Localised' then 'Stage localised' when "Stage" = '2. Locally Advanced' then 'Stage locally advanced' when "Stage" = '3. Metastatic' then 'Stage metastatic' end as "Stage" , case when "Age" = 'All' then 'All ages' else "Age" end as "Age" -- Region doesn't work, you need "Region" now. Odd odd odd , 'All England' as "Region" , 'Male' as "Sex" , case when "Grade_met" = '0. Known' then 'Grade known' when "Grade_met" = '5. Unknown' then 'Grade unknown' when "Grade" = 'All' then 'All grades' when "Grade" = '1. Less than 7' then 'Grade less than 7' when "Grade" = '2. 3+4' then 'Grade 3+4' when "Grade" = '3. 4+3' then 'Grade 4+3' when "Grade" = '4. More than 7' then 'Grade more than 7' when "Grade" = '5. Unknown' then 'Grade unknown' end as "Grade" , case when "Nodal Status" = 'All' then 'All' when "Nodal Status" = '1. Node Negative' then 'Node Negative' when "Nodal Status" = '2. Node Positive' then 'Node Positive' end as "Nodal Status" , Incidence as "Incidence" , pops.popcount as "Population" from extractpartitions ep left outer join population_table pops on ep."Year" = pops.year and ep."Age" = pops.age where pops.sex = '1' and pops.region = 'All' ;